01 | Seniors (women), free program 02 | Juniors (women), free program 03 | Children 12-14 years (women), free program 04 | Children 10-12 years (women), free program 05 | Children 8-10 years (women), free program
11 | Seniors (mixed teams), free program 12 | Juniors (mixed teams), free program 13 | Children 12-14 years (mixed teams), free program 14 | Children 10-12 years (mixed teams), free program 15 | Children 8-10 years (mixed teams), free program
21 | Seniors (women), short program 22 | Juniors (women), short program 23 | Children 12-14 years (women), short program 24 | Children 10-12 years (women), short program 25 | Children 8-10 years (women), short program
Please find attached our invitations to the World Championships in Graz in November, as well as to the Steiermark Cup. We have made a little info about Graz and the hotels for the athletes and coaches. It is expected that there will be many events and tourist visits in Graz at this time. Therefore we recommend to book the hotels as soon as possible. Unfortunately we could only reserve them until 18.09.2022. Please make your reservations directly with the hotel, you will find the booking codes in the hotel info.
We are looking forward to welcoming you in November!