
International Federation of Aesthetic Group Gymnastics, IFAGG

The IFAGG was established on 12 October 2003 and is the recognized world governing body of aesthetic group gymnastics (AGG).
The IFAGG is a non-profit international federation, and it has been properly and legally registered as such. Its mission and purpose are strictly to advance the sport of aesthetic group gymnastics. IFAGG is the supreme authority on all matters relating to International Aesthetic Group Gymnastics.

Mission statement

- To promote the sport of AGG.
- To coordinate international competitions and events.
- To grant the right to host World Championships.
- To develop and maintain the International rules of AGG.
- To develop training materials and educational programs for coaches and judges.
- To foster cooperative relations with other international sport organizations.
- To represent the interests of AGG throughout the world when dealing with other organizations.


The General Assembly meets annually during the AGG World Championships.
Council Members and President are elected every two years.
The General Assembly meets annually during the AGG World Championships.
The first AGG World Championship was held in Helsinki (Finland) in 2000. The first World Champion became the team "Campuksen Koonto" (Finland).
Team "Expressia" (Russia) - The World Champion in AGG in 2016.


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World Anti-Doping Agency